The exome (the protein-coding region of the human genome) represents less than 2% of the genome, but contains ~85% of known disease-related variants. For this reason, sequencing of the whole exome has the potential to uncover higher yield of relevant variants at a far lower cost than whole genome sequencing.
Whole exome sequencing is thought to be an efficient and powerful way to identify the genetic variants that affect heritable phenotypes, including important disease-causing mutations and natural variations. Bio Basic Asia Pacific employs the Illumina HiSeq and Novaseq system to provide the fast and accurate whole exome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis.
Our highly experienced expert team executes quality management, following every procedure to ensure reliable results.
Sequencing Platforms
HiSeq 4000 / HiSeq X Ten / NovaSeq 6000
For more information and quotation, kindly contact us at
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